Started working a GunFish in the flattish surface and was rewarded with a nice 2lb fish which gave a good account of itself. Moved along to the rocky area and started working my way out onto the reef covering new and clearer water. About the 5th cast I decided to put one along side the exposed rocks, and 40 yards out a big fish hit the GunFish hard. I could immediately see this fish was something special, and 3 times it got me behind massive boulders scrapping the braid as it thumped seaward. No great runs, just the constant head-shaking and use of its weight. Finally I had no choice other then to tighten down the drag and Horse the girl over several rock formations and to the base of the rock I was standing on.
Only regret. Joe was fishing close by, but didnt answer his phone. I should have kept her in the Rockpool til I got Joe, then I would have had the glory shot. ,