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Monday, 3 September 2012

Dorset Bootcamp 2.9.12

Joe and I had arranged to meet Richard DFR at 0430hrs with the intention of climbing into a particularly rocky mark 1 hour further on to fish first light. Unfortunately Richard had been caught fishing LRF 2 days earlier and the shame proved to much, he rung us at 4am telling us his alarm was wrong and he wouldn't be joining us. He may have been right, Pollock and Mackerel dominated with just the odd Bass.

 Coffee at the Tackle Shop and revitalised we hit Mark 2. Second cast and Joe hits a fish, kiss of death that, he didn't hit anymore. I had a few more, with virtually all fish falling to Gataride lures. Final tally, 4 each, nothing to get excited about, plus some decent sized Pollock. 22 Hour fishing trip, 13 hours fishing, 2 hour traffic jam on way home when a hippy's VW Camper did the right thing and self-ingnited.