When inspecting the Feed-Shallow I noticed 2 of the hooks were bent out. I bent them right and carried on. 5 Casts later I hooked into something much bigger, and against a tight drag the fish made a 50 meter , bent hook memory joggin run. There's 2 ways to go when this happens, end the fight quickly or go gentle. I went the wimp way. 10 minutes later, 76cm of Bass slid up the beach. Measured and Photographed she went back strongly, splashing me with a tail slap. The photo shows how fat she was, and while I never weighed her I reckons she made it over 10 lb. The Feed-Shallow didn't fair so well, one hook completely snapped off, one bent right out, although the hook in the fish's scissors was completely OK. I've always considered Bass clean fighters, but I do wonder if that Bass tried to knock the hooks out against a rock. !!! Anyhow, best fight a Bass has ever put up on my rod.
This red-letter day hasn't been exceptional in Kent this year. I know of at least 15 doubles coming out to lures, yet these are very rarely mentioned on Forums. The WSF lure fishing Forum used to be the place informed practicing anglers shared catch reports and tactics. Now its full of caught nothing keyboard warriors spouting their ill informed opinions. You get it in all walks of life, the pratt who thinks if he hangs onto an expert long enough some of his reputation will rub off on them. If they talk long enough somebody will listen. If they stack enough chairs at the AGM they're part of the management team. Bless em.