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Sunday, 27 November 2011

The last trip of 2011, .....................................probably.

27th November and it used to be I'd be looking to Cod, not Bass this late in the year. I wish I still was as I left home at 3 to make the 0600hrs met some place in Dorset. Mark333, Gee and Joe back early from Ireland ment a day of serious piss taking. It started promisingly with Compo Padfield dressed in breathable waders and dispensing with the usual wading boots in favour of 2 odd wellington boots, with booster heels. A day with Mark gives you a deep understanding of what social carers have to put up with.

We split up, JS and Gee heading right, care in the community and me heading left. It started well, first cast, fish straight onto the Pearl Gataride, rod bent, Pollock. Then the first big wave swamped me. Sunrise came and went, nothing. Then just as we were about to move on Mark gets a Schoolie, the fish are switching on. Out goes my GunFish and in comes a 2 pounder. Things get better, Mark gets swamped too.

And that was how it stayed. 7 more hours, and nothing between the four of us.Not a follow, splash, tug. The day ended with JS and me salting Razorclams, which at this moment are cleansing in a saline solution eagerly awaiting their big moment on the griddle.

Great day out chaps.                                                  (21)

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